Monday, October 25, 2010

How To Add Media To Your Facebook Profile

No one’s impressed by a boring profile. Spice things up with links, pictures, and videos.

You Will Need

  • A computer with internet access
  • A Facebook account
  • A webcam
  • Digital media
How To Add Media To Your Facebook Profile: Add a link

Step 1: Add a link

Want to add a link to an article, blog, or other web site? Go to your Facebook profile and click the Link icon under the What’s on your mind? prompt in the Publisher box. Copy the link URL and hit Attach. Add a description if you like, then click Share to publish the link to your profile.

How To Add Media To Your Facebook Profile: Add a photo

Step 2: Add a photo

To add a picture, click the Photo icon. Then choose Upload a Photo, Take a Photo, or Create an Album. To upload a photo, click Browse, locate the picture in your computer’s files, and click Open. Then hit Share. To take a photo with your webcam, click Allow, if prompted, and use the camera icon to take the picture; then share.

How To Add Media To Your Facebook Profile: Create an album

Step 3: Create an album

To create an album, first name it, enter the location where the pictures were taken, and set the privacy controls. Click Share and Trust to give Facebook access to your computer. Then pick the pictures that will go into the album. Hit Upload to finish.

After uploading your pictures, tag people and add captions by clicking on the photo, then clicking Edit This Photo.

How To Add Media To Your Facebook Profile: Upload a video

Step 4: Upload a video

To upload a video, hit Browse, find the video you want to post, click Open, and then Share. After it’s uploaded, close the pop-up window, or click Close Window and Edit to name your video and adjust the privacy settings.

Never upload anything you don’t have the rights to.

How To Add Media To Your Facebook Profile: Record video

Step 5: Record video

Add video footage. Click the icon and choose Record a Video or Upload a Video. To record one with your webcam, click Allow; then close the pop-up window. Use the buttons at the bottom of the display to create your clip, and hit “Share.” Now you’ve got a multimedia profile you can be proud of!

How To Fix a Scratched CD

This video will show you how to resurface a scratched CD so that it reads in your CD player.

You Will Need

  • Metal Polish/Buffing Compound
  • A Scratched CD
  • Paper Towels
  • Tissue Paper
How To Fix a Scratched CD: Gather Materials

Step 1: Gather Materials

The things you’ll need to accomplish this project are a scratched CD in need of repair, metal polisher, paper towels, and tissue paper.

How To Fix a Scratched CD: Project theory

Step 2: Project theory

The theory is that on CD’s, the data isn’t written on the scratched clear coating, but underneath it. Scratches on the clear coating cause the laser to refract, therefore making the data underneath it unreadable. So this project intends to buff out those scratches.

How To Fix a Scratched CD: Buff The CD With The Metal Polish

Step 3: Buff The CD With The Metal Polish

Using the metal polish compound, buff the CD in a circular motion as you would when buffing a car. The deeper the scratches are, the more force you will need when buffing in order to fill in the cracks. Don’t use so much force that it breaks the CD however.

How To Fix a Scratched CD: Let It Dry

Step 4: Let It Dry

Let the polish compound dry. It should turn to a white residue.

How To Fix a Scratched CD: Wipe Off Excess Compound

Step 5: Wipe Off Excess Compound

Use the tissue paper to wipe Off Any excess compound. If you want to polish the CD even more, you can use toothpaste to coat the CD and then wipe off the excess.

How To Clear Your History in Internet Explorer 7

So, you’ve been “exploring” some options, and now someone’s on to you? Here’s how to shake them from your tail.

You Will Need

  • Internet Explorer 7
  • A questionable internet history
How To Clear Your History in Internet Explorer 7: Open Internet Explorer

Step 1: Open Internet Explorer

Open Internet Explorer.

How To Clear Your History in Internet Explorer 7: Click "Delete Browsing History"

Step 2: Click "Delete Browsing History"

On the top menu bar, click “Tools,” then “Delete Browsing History.”

How To Clear Your History in Internet Explorer 7: Click "Delete All"

Step 3: Click "Delete All"

In the box that comes up, click “Delete All.” Then click “Yes.”

That’s it—walk away from your computer in confidence. Your sordid internet history is gone forever.

How To Organize Your Computer Desktop

Keeping a computer desktop organized is tough, but clutter can quickly and easily become a thing of the past.

You Will Need

  • A computer
  • And a desire to keep it organized
How To Organize Your Computer Desktop: Put everything in one folder

Step 1: Put everything in one folder

Create a new folder on your desktop, and add all the documents currently located on your desktop to it, including application launchers.

You don’t need application launchers on your desktop to launch programs. It’s faster to launch applications using the Windows Start menu or your keyboard.

How To Organize Your Computer Desktop: Create an Inbox folder

Step 2: Create an Inbox folder

Create an Inbox folder for recent items you haven’t yet had a chance to look at. When you do go through it, you’ll either resolve the item or place it into one of the next four folders.

How To Organize Your Computer Desktop: Create an Actions folder

Step 3: Create an Actions folder

Create an Actions folder. The Actions folder is for items that you plan to tackle within the next few days, but they take between 15 minutes and an hour to complete. If you can take care of an item in your Inbox in less time, do it immediately.

How To Organize Your Computer Desktop: Create an Incubate folder

Step 4: Create an Incubate folder

Create an Incubate folder for items you have decided to put off for more than a few days.

How To Organize Your Computer Desktop: Create a Current Projects folder

Step 5: Create a Current Projects folder

Create a folder and give it the name Current Projects. The Current Projects folder is for all the documents related to long-term projects you are currently working on.

How To Organize Your Computer Desktop: Create an Archive folder

Step 6: Create an Archive folder

Create a folder and give it the name Archive. The Archive folder is for everything you have finished working on but don’t want to delete. Consider moving this off your desktop into the hard drive.

How To Organize Your Computer Desktop: Put your documents in the correct folder

Step 7: Put your documents in the correct folder

Go to the first folder you created, with all your desktop documents in it. Examine each document and move it into one of the five new folders.

How To Organize Your Computer Desktop: Keep it clean

Step 8: Keep it clean

Keep your desktop clean by changing your browser settings so that attachments download to your Inbox, rather than to your desktop. When downloading programs, choose the folder where you want to store the program so that an icon for it doesn’t automatically land on your desktop.

How To Organize Your Computer Desktop: Keep it up

Step 9: Keep it up

Diligently maintain this system by consistently moving your documents into one of the five folders.

How To Clear Your Internet History in Firefox

Have you maybe been eyeballing some things you’d rather other people didn’t know about? Clear your internet history and leave your anxiety behind.

You Will Need

  • The Firefox web browser
  • And a questionable internet history
How To Clear Your Internet History in Firefox: Open Firefox

Step 1: Open Firefox

Open Firefox.

How To Clear Your Internet History in Firefox: Click "Clear Private Data"

Step 2: Click "Clear Private Data"

On the top menu bar, click “Tools,” then “Clear Private Data.”

How To Clear Your Internet History in Firefox: Click every checkbox

Step 3: Click every checkbox

In the box that comes up, click every checkbox and check every box you can.

This will clear every bit of information that might indicate where you’ve looked on the internet, including any passwords you’ve saved. For a less thorough clearing, click just the first two boxes.

How To Clear Your Internet History in Firefox: Click "Clear Private Data Now"

Step 4: Click "Clear Private Data Now"

Click “Clear Private Data Now.”

How To Do Better Google Searches

Feel like there’s something missing from your life? Just hop on Google, and follow these simple steps to pinpoint whatever you’re looking for in a jiffy.

You Will Need

  • A computer with an internet connection
How To Do Better Google Searches: Go to Google homepage

Step 1: Go to Google homepage

Go to Google’s homepage at

How To Do Better Google Searches: Type in key words

Step 2: Type in key words

Type in key words related to your search. Try to be specific without including too many words.

Google generally ignores very common words like “how.” If a common word is essential to your search, put a plus sign in front of it. Otherwise, just leave it out.

How To Do Better Google Searches: Add quotes

Step 3: Add quotes

Put quotes around any phrase in your search. This tells Google to look for words in a specific order. Quotes are especially helpful with names.

Instead of putting quotes around your phrase, you can do the same thing by putting dashes between the words.

How To Do Better Google Searches: Narrow search

Step 4: Narrow search

Narrow down your search by adding additional words or phrases. Try to think of unusual words that are specific to the thing you’re looking for.

How To Do Better Google Searches: Searching range of numbers

Step 5: Searching range of numbers

To search within a range of numbers, type a low number and high number separated by two periods, with no spaces. For example, if you want to find something between 100 and 200 dollars, type dollar sign-one hundred-dot-dot-dollar sign-two hundred.

How To Do Better Google Searches: Use "Advanced Search"

Step 6: Use "Advanced Search"

To further refine your search, click “Advanced Search.” Here you can specify languages, file formats, dates, and other characteristics.

On the Advanced Search page, you can also filter out any results containing “adult content”—including graphic images or video—by clicking on “Filter using SafeSearch.”

How To Do Better Google Searches: Use different words

Step 7: Use different words

If you’re still not finding what you want, start over with different words or phrases.

That’s it—you’ll have what you’re looking for in no time.